Struggles Against Time

Memories and Musings

Non-Fiction - Memoir
444 Pages
Reviewed on 10/16/2024
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    Book Review

Reviewed by Foluso Falaye for Readers' Favorite

Struggles Against Time: Memories and Musings is a philosophical and deeply reflective memoir by Ted Shigematsu. Ted shares his experience of feeling like he didn't belong as a child with Japanese genes in Genova, Italy. He couldn't wait to migrate with his family to the USA while preparing to do so in 1963. Unfortunately, he still felt out of place with his heavy accent and his "old jalopy", which influenced his decision to drop out of Imperial Valley College. Fortunately, he couldn't resist the call to learn and ended up becoming a professor and getting several degrees, including an Associate of Science degree in respiratory therapy. From war to art, travel, COVID-19, education, the passage of time, loss, and love relationships, Ted Shigematsu presents his thoughtful views on different memories and moments from his past.

Ted Shigematsu's memoir stands out with a third-person perspective that allows readers to follow the story from an all-encompassing viewpoint. I enjoyed reading the book from the first page to the last. It's one of the few times I got to see an author refer to himself as "the old man" and "the young man", and I loved how unique it felt. Fans of philosophy and historical texts will love the book since it covers these topics vividly, including Hesiod's work. An important lesson I learned is that the years go by faster than you think, which is gleaned from impactful statements like, "One moment it had been the sixth of January 1958; the next moment it was 2020." Struggles Against Time, a philosopher's journey through life, is nothing short of amazing. It's brimming with adventure, profound philosophical quandaries, and relatable, evocative experiences.