
Romance - Suspense
368 Pages
Reviewed on 10/13/2009
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    Book Review

Reviewed by Anne Boling for Readers' Favorite

Catherine Coulter is the Queen of FBI Romance Suspense novels. TailSpin brings back some favorite characters from the past and a few new ones.

Renowned psychologist Dr. Timothy MacLean is ill. He can no longer control what he says. Over the years many people have confided in the doctor, telling him their deepest darkest secrets. Someone wants to make sure he can’t tell anyone else. Special Agent Jackson Crowne and MacLean are flying over the mountains of Kentucky when their plane goes down. Rachel has her own demons chasing her. She returns to Parlow, Kentucky hoping to take refuge with her uncle. She sees the plane going down and helps Jackson and MacLean to safety. Jackson and Rachel are attracted to each other but he knows she is hiding something from him.

Coulter successfully takes the suspenseful threads and weaves them together forming a riveting spine tingling mystery sure to keep readers on the edge of their seat. It always amazes me how Coulter can take several subplots and combine them to create a fantastic read. Nothing gets lost. As usual I read this book in one sitting. What’s next MS Coulter?