Tears of The Aeon

The Gothic War

Fiction - Historical - Event/Era
635 Pages
Reviewed on 08/09/2024
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    Book Review

Reviewed by Keana Sackett-Moomey for Readers' Favorite

Tears of The Aeon by R. F. Pina is an enthralling tale about love, war, power, and betrayal. The story takes place in the year 376 AD. Two intriguing narratives become intertwined into one exciting tale. The first is about the Goth chieftain Fritigern. He is a respected chieftain of the Visigoth/Goth tribes of the east. Fritigern goes head-to-head with two main threats—King Athanaric and the Huns. King Athanaric is the overambitious chieftain of the Goth clan, Tervingi. Fritigern's only hope of saving his tribe is to beg the Roman Emperor Valens for help and to sign a peace treaty with Rome. This shocking act creates a ripple effect that alters the destiny of the Goth and Roman empires. The second intertwined narrative focuses on a Goth woman named Amia from the Taifali tribe. Amia encounters an Aeon/celestial being named Ahediel, who possesses supernatural powers. He vows to protect Amia no matter the cost. Their unlawful love draws the gods' attention and gives rise to other cataclysmic events. Read this tale to discover how their combined stories unfold.

Tears of the Aeon expertly weaves mythical stories and historical events to create a complex but captivating tale that occurs during the Goth and Roman wars. R. F. Pina is skilled at crafting authentic and breathtaking characters that are dynamic and vibrant. They add hue, energy, and mysticism to the world around them. I felt Fritigern's and Ahediel's sincere desires to save the people they love. Their heartfelt emotions and courage kept me transfixed. I could hardly put this novel down. Several overarching themes evolve throughout the plot. These include good versus evil, love and war, loyalty and betrayal, and the importance of decision-making versus the consequences that follow. The element I loved the most was the setting. The historical facts are well-researched and very detailed. Pina masterfully blends reality with fantasy, making this tale engaging, compelling, and unique. Tears of the Aeon is a must-read for readers who enjoy fiction that combines romance, suspense, fantasy, mythology, and history. Great story!