Thank God For Another Day

Non-Fiction - Self Help
152 Pages
Reviewed on 09/04/2011
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    Book Review

Reviewed by Janet Jensen for Readers' Favorite

“Everyone always commented on how I had such a beautiful smile...” Kim Farino writes. Imagine a beautiful seven year-old girl who lives to dance, when the new next door neighbors turn out to be a wonderful couple with plans to build a dance studio on the premises! It’s a dream come true for young Kim, who soon becomes the best and most enthusiastic dancer in Sue’s program. Then, she writes, at age seven, “my dreams had come true and little did I know my worst nightmare had begun.” Kim chronicles the events leading to her own path of self-destruction in terms that are “intense but not graphic,” until, with the support of friends and family, she starts on the long path of detox, rehab, and recovery. And yet, after all Kim’s hard work to become and stay sober, the little child within her aches to be heard, and when Kim allows that child to express her pain and anguish, the last major obstacle in her healing journey is addressed.

Thank God for Another Day! is a compelling read for anyone and everyone. Addiction affects all of us in one respect or another; It could be you, a loved one, a friend, or co-worker. Kim writes with clarity and unflinching honesty about her day-to-day battles to gain sobriety, and then offers hope for maintaining it. Mouth-watering recipes and simple exercises are included as a way for anyone to adopt a more healthy lifestyle. Be sure to notice the author’s radiant smile on the cover of the book. It reflects true beauty, inside and out.

Amanda Strong

Oh My God !!! Must have Fabulous book! I felt so empowered and enlightened by Kims story and her honesty . She is also very funny very real and a true surviver!! Thank you Kim for sharing your story and please WRITE MORE BOOKS !! Amanda Strong xo