The Adventures of Bunny and Fawn

Children - Picture Book
46 Pages
Reviewed on 06/24/2024
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Author Biography

Having pursued an education in Architecture, and a career in construction-related fields, Mike is not your typical children's book author. The concept for this book began as just an idea, but transformed into an exciting journey. The plan to publish a book took awhile to gain traction. But the "what if" sat so long in the back of his mind, Mike finally made the decision to commit to this project. He looks forward to the opportunity of adding to his collection of children's books in the future.

    Book Review

Reviewed by Philip Van Heusen for Readers' Favorite

The average American moves every five years. That means the trauma of moving affects the average child at least three to four times as they mature into adults. Michael S. Lingo helps children understand the meaning of family and home through The Adventures of Bunny and Fawn. In this children’s picture book, your child will learn the importance of family and how families don’t all look alike. They will also understand that adversity is common and must be faced with perseverance. Bunny and Fawn call each other sisters and form their own family. A terrible storm destroys their log home, and they start looking for a new place to live. In their search, they become separated and face different dangers. Finally, they learn that home is more of a feeling than a place, and anywhere they are together is home.

Is there a move in your children’s future? Probably so. The Adventures of Bunny and Fawn by Michael S. Lingo can help your child prepare for the confusion involved in any move. This story is written compassionately and will entertain your child as they wonder what will happen next. A sunny day turns into a stormy day that causes the little family to find a new place to live. You can use this book to discuss the move and the issues involved: new school, new friends, new neighborhood, etc. Even though a move can be traumatic, it is important to remember that home is where you are with family. Damien Hall does a superb job of illustrating the text. Themes include the importance of the love of family, moving, perseverance, home, and overcoming adversity. I highly recommend this book to all young readers.