The Adventures of Mr. Finch and Friends

Learning to Share

Children - Picture Book
50 Pages
Reviewed on 08/11/2024
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    Book Review

Reviewed by Doreen Chombu for Readers' Favorite

The Adventures of Mr. Finch and Friends by Kelly Wozny is a children's picture book that tells the story of Mr. Finch, a bird who lives in a tree with ivy growing on it. Mr. Finch enjoys living in the tree and conversing with Ivy. Every summer, a young boy and his grandfather visit the tree to share Bible stories. Ivy listens attentively to the stories, but Mr. Finch does not. One day, a monkey named Jojo discovers the tree and becomes fast friends with Ivy, hoping to spend more time playing in the tree. However, Mr. Finch is unwilling to share the tree with Jojo. Disappointed, Ivy scolds Mr. Finch and reminds him of Grandpa's lessons about sharing with others and being kind. Faced with his bad behavior, Mr. Finch decides to change his ways and become a kind and generous friend.

In The Adventures of Mr. Finch and Friends, Kelly Wozny beautifully captures the themes of friendship, sharing, and kindness. She emphasizes the importance of moral lessons from the Bible and the wise teachings passed down by a young boy's grandfather. Her storytelling gently guides young readers to appreciate the importance of generosity and compassion, encouraging them to embrace the joys that come from sharing with others and welcoming others into their lives. The story ultimately invites readers of all ages to reflect on the importance of community and consider their own behaviors and relationships. The book features beautiful illustrations that perfectly complement the story and show the beauty of nature. I appreciate the design choice of separating the art and text because it will help young readers, especially those with reading difficulties, to focus on the words without distraction. This approach allows them to engage with the narrative more effectively and build their confidence in reading skills while still enjoying the visual storytelling. I enjoyed this book and highly recommend sharing it with children to teach them valuable lessons.