The Adventures of Poppy and Lu

Children - Grade K-3rd
70 Pages
Reviewed on 04/10/2014
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    Book Review

Reviewed by Mamta Madhavan for Readers' Favorite

The Adventures of Poppy and Lu by Victoria Elledge is a story of friendship. Lu is a little girl who wants to have a pup. She tells her parents about her wish to own a pup. She goes through pictures of many dogs with her parents and finally they decide to buy a German Shorthaired Pointer which is the right size to handle for Lu, even after it is fully grown. Poppy, on the other hand, is a pup who is looking for a home. The story is about how both of them find each other and they know they are going to be friends for life. Poppy and Lu will take readers with them on their adventures.

It is a beautiful story of bonding and friendship. Apart from conveying the message of friendship and love, the story is also informative and educational when it comes understanding more about the breed of dogs and the characteristics of German Shorthaired Pointers or the GSPs as they are commonly called. The author has written an endearing and warm story that all children will enjoy reading. This book can be used for read-aloud sessions in libraries and classrooms. It makes a good bedtime story book too.

It is a beautiful story that speaks to children about the simple joys of owning pets and how they can share a bond of lasting love and friendship with them. The author has chosen a simple theme to explain about this concept and emotion to small children.