The AI Singularity Experiments: The First Patient

Book 1 of the Thriller Series The AI Singularity Experiments

Fiction - Thriller - Espionage
131 Pages
Reviewed on 06/24/2024
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    Book Review

Reviewed by Pikasho Deka for Readers' Favorite

The First Patient is the first book of The AI Singularity Experiments sci-fi thriller series by Noah Tuya. During the ten years since the passing of her beloved husband, Dr. Eva Simon -- a neurologist at the Chirac Centre Neurological Institute in Paris -- has dedicated her time and expertise to creating the Artificial Intelligence Singularity System (AISS), a radical biotech innovation to treat patients with cognitive disabilities. With the help of Madame Anna Karsfeld, a wealthy patron, Eva embarks on a worldwide tour looking for investors to continue her research. But there are agents from rogue states who seek to steal her technology. Meanwhile, she finds her first candidate for human trial in the form of a fifteen-year-old girl named Natalia. Will Eva's first trial be successful? Can Anna ensure Eva's safety?

As far as sci-fi thrillers go, The AI Singularity Experiments: The First Patient has all the ingredients to entice science fiction fans. Using a fast-paced plot and a narrative laced with mystery, espionage, and intrigue, Noah Tuya delivers an engaging novel that flies by without a single dull moment. Building on a promising premise, the author weaves an absorbing story that focuses on the beginnings of a billion-dollar tech start-up company while adding sleuth, mystery, and espionage elements that offer another layer of dramatic twists to the narrative. Tuya also provides brief backstories of the two main characters, which make you sympathize with their cause. The ending leaves room for sequels, and I'm very curious to see where the story goes. Overall, this is a stellar first installment of the series.