The Anatomist's Apprentice

Dr. Thomas Silkstone Mysteries

Fiction - Mystery - General
310 Pages
Reviewed on 01/30/2012
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    Book Review

Reviewed by Dr. Karen Hutchins Pirnot for Readers' Favorite

"The Anatomist's Apprentice" by Tessa Harris is a wonderful "period book" for those who like mysteries. Sir Edward Crick has died a mysterious death and several suspects emerge. Enter Dr.Thomas Silkstone, a colonialist from Philadelphia, who has come to England to study under a renowned surgeon. Thomas is drawn into doing an autopsy on Edward's corpse and this further entangles him in the family dynamics of the Crick family. The deeper Thomas goes into the mystery, the more he puts himself and others at risk. The deceased's sister is of special interest to Thomas and he is inexplicably drawn to her even though she is married to the new Lord of the house.

The story is set in eighteenth century England and those who like historical fiction will love the character development which is skillfully woven into the plot itself. Unlike many other mysteries, this story is not finished until it is finished, a delight to the thousands of mystery buffs who usually find that the end is predictable right in the second chapter.

Harris is a skilled writer and she has a knack for taking us into the minds of the character via her dialogue. The story is one which will stay with the reader long after the mystery of Edward's death is finally solved. And then, the reader might ask, "What next of this likeable sleuth Thomas?" Perhaps Harris will treat the reader to that answer in the near future.