The Ark

Fiction - Thriller - General
432 Pages
Reviewed on 06/30/2010
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    Book Review

Reviewed by Anne Boiling for Readers' Favorite

Dilara Kenner was an archeologist searching for Noah’s Ark. Sam Watson brought sad news to Dilara concerning her father’s death. Her father had been missing for three years. He’d found the ark but, before he could make it known, he was murdered. Sam was murdered in front of Dilara but, before he died, he told her to find Tyler Locke. Dilara’s helicopter crashed into the sea not far from the floating oil rig where Tyler Locke was working. Tyler knew he must do something fast or lives would be lost. He mounted a daring rescue and saved those that had crashed. A religious group was determined to stop Dilara and use a virus found on the ark as a bio-weapon. Suddenly finding the ark meant Locke had to save the world.

Author Boyd Morrison has introduced readers to a new hero, Tyler Locke. Tyler is a cross between Indiana Jones, Dirk Pitt, MacGyver, and James Bond. The plot is action packed. This book is written for an intelligent audience. I look forward to more books by this author.