The Attendant

Fiction - Thriller - Psychological
203 Pages
Reviewed on 10/20/2024
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    Book Review

Reviewed by Pikasho Deka for Readers' Favorite

The Attendant is a psychological/crime thriller by Tony Powers. Richard Alleroy, a hedge fund manager at a prestigious investment firm, sees his life slowly unraveling when his partners discover he's been stealing from the company. Set to lose everything, Alleroy comes up with a desperate plan to ensure his family continues to live a life of luxury. After coming across a man named Emanuel Graves, a Gulf War veteran with PTSD who is now a toilet attendant at a restaurant, Alleroy offers him money in exchange for Emanuel killing him in a hit-and-run accident. Alleroy wants that significant insurance money for his family. However, Emanuel is now in love with a kind-hearted woman. Alleroy's offer is tempting, but is it worth compromising his integrity? What's next in store for Emanuel and Alleroy?

A crime drama packed with mystery, suspense, and intrigue, The Attendant will keep readers on their toes until the end. The narrative is very character-driven, as it puts the reader into the psychological headspace of the two main characters. Both Emanuel and Alleroy have agency and drive in their actions and motives. It makes them feel like real people whose lives are intertwined after being caught by the whims of fate. Author Tony Powers makes sure to keep the reader guessing as Emanuel struggles to come to terms with his situation until the last few pages. I enjoyed the distinct personalities of the two main characters. Emanuel and Estella's romance was another highlight for me. In conclusion, if you're looking for a well-written psychological thriller, this is the book for you.