The Bluff

A Thriller

Fiction - Thriller - Psychological
258 Pages
Reviewed on 07/16/2024
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    Book Review

Reviewed by Anne-Marie Reynolds for Readers' Favorite

In The Bluff, a psychological thriller by Bonnie Traymore, Kate has lived on the bluff for six years and in that time, the bluff has begun to crumble. Her husband, Ryan, and she had different ideas on how to save their home, but a year ago, Ryan died in a car accident. Was it an accident, though? Now, there’s a vote on how to fix the issue, but Kate’s opponent hasn’t turned up. When his body is found, suspicion falls on Kate. All she wants to do is get her plan for saving the bluff passed, sell up, and move. She can’t stay. If she does, the secrets she’s kept carefully hidden will be uncovered, and that won’t do at all.

The Bluff by Bonnie Traymore is a gripping tale packed with action. The psychological suspense will keep you reading right through as the story unfolds and secrets are uncovered. Your attention is grabbed from the first page, and the tension rises slowly, reeling you in and keeping you hooked until the exciting ending that you won’t see coming. The characters are superbly well-developed and multi-faceted, each with their own story to tell. You’ll flip-flop between whose side you’re on, and you won’t know what to think or which way to turn as the action spirals toward its stunning conclusion. This is a great story with plenty of secrets and twists and turns galore, keeping you breathless with excitement and on the edge of your seat with anticipation as you try to work out the main character’s deep, dark secret. This is an excellent thriller, recommended to anyone who wants a good suspense story to get stuck into.