The Book of Legends

Amazing, Scary & Entertaining Stories for Kids of All Ages

Children - Mythology/Fairy Tale
130 Pages
Reviewed on 04/10/2023
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    Book Review

Reviewed by Gaius Konstantine for Readers' Favorite

Wonder, magic, and wholesome entertainment fill the pages of The Book Of Legends: Volume 1 by John King Keller. Sixteen-year-old Spencer is babysitting his younger siblings, Maxx and Anna when he offers to entertain them with fables, fairy tales, and legends. As the curious younger children readily agree, they soon discover wondrous tales. Beginning with a story about a crying baby and a ghostly woman by a stone bridge, the siblings also hear about a misbehaving young boy chasing a mysterious light in the woods. The evening wears on as Maxx and Anna learn about Hatchet Harry and his love of target practice that goes astray. Saving the best for last, Spencer spins a yarn featuring a mischievous leprechaun and a not-so-greedy boy who tries to catch him. With bedtime approaching, young Anna and Maxx have learned some valuable lessons and are left wanting to hear more.

The Book Of Legends by John King Keller is a short anthology of contemporary and modern fairy tales for young readers. The book consists of four original stories ranging from good to excellent. Apart from the entertainment value, many important themes are explored with subtlety. Sibling love, learning how to be a good person, and being considerate of the needs of others while not becoming a greedy little jerk are all explored. The book also includes 17 lovely and original illustrations (some of which are stunning) that enhance reader immersion. Written in a clear and fluid style with just the right pace for its demographic, The Book Of Legends is a splendid book for children in the 8-12-year-old age group.