The Chosen Knights

Young Adult - Fantasy - General
303 Pages
Reviewed on 05/02/2016
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    Book Review

Reviewed by Rosie Malezer for Readers' Favorite

The Chosen Knights is the second book in the Angel Knights series written by Mary Ting. In fourteenth century France, a member of the Knights Templar, Jacques de Molay, rushes to the church when he sees the flames. Hoping to rescue Father Simon from the blaze, he is instead accosted by evil as Cyrus, the master of all demons, appears and demands to know the whereabouts of the treasure before cursing all future generations of the Knights Templar. Fast forward to current day, and seventeen-year-old twins, Lucia and Zach – demon-hunting angels (Venators) from the Crossroads – are about to start their schooling year on Earth. Sent as undercover students to Hilo High School in Hawaii, the twins are to investigate a spate of mysterious disappearances, each occurring on Friday the thirteenth, while trying to blend in with the locals. Danger also lurks during every Blue Moon. Their socially awkward next door neighbors, Jack Molay and his family, seem to have many of the answers they are looking for, with Jack’s lineage shocking the Venators. Thrown into a world of jealousy, vindictiveness, and bullying, the twins are puzzled as to why humans behave so abysmally to one another. Trying to determine good from evil on Earth is a lot more difficult than Lucia and Zach could have ever imagined, but they must in order to break the deadly curse.

Mary Ting has captured ‘newcomers to Earth’ so beautifully, both in the teenage twins and their guardian, Uncle Davin. With so many supernaturals on the scene, it truly is a mind-twister trying to differentiate between a bully and a demon, as their traits are so similar. The Chosen Knights was addictive as I was unable to stop reading from first page until last. The different players are clearly set out in the initial chapters, making it easy to follow the story which is fast-paced and incorporates just the right amount of drama, action and comedy. I very much enjoyed this incredible tale of the Knights Templar and appreciate the research that Mary Ting has obviously put into writing such an epic. I will be seeking out more of Mary’s titles in the future. I recommend this book to those who enjoy their fantasy laced with history, action, drama, romance and love in this hilarious, yet suspenseful, supernatural cocktail which will leave you begging for more.