The Compendium of Raath

Book 1: The Chosen

Fiction - Fantasy - General
295 Pages
Reviewed on 06/11/2015
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Author Biography

Michael Mood lives in Cottage Grove, WI, and is a father of three sturdy boys, farmer of all things living, fantasy novelist, musician (he plays four instruments) and owner of a home recording studio.

The Compendium of Raath is his debut series, although other books are always in the works. Maybe too many books . . .

    Book Review

Reviewed by Rabia Tanveer for Readers' Favorite

Welcome to the dark world of Raath in The Compendium of Raath - Book 1: The Chosen by Michael Mood. This is the story of five mages who are given powers by their Gods. The Gods have big plans for them, but these mages have to figure out the potential of their powers and how they can be used. If they fail, the people of Raath will perish, but if they conquer their powers, together they can rise above and change their destiny.

One of those five mages is Domma, who meets with a terrible accident which causes her to lose her memories. Desperate to find out about her past and herself, she approaches God and the sisters of the Sunburst Temple to help her untangle the mystery and learn about herself. Otom has a tragic past and he is in self imposed exile. However, he is forced to go back in time and retrace his memories after his refuge is destroyed by the pillaging Foglins. Halimaldie has a successful career at the helm of his merchant empire. He is too busy to pay any attention to Gods or magic or even those meddling Foglins. But when something fishy and definitely magical happens, he cannot deny that. Krothair is young, but far too resourceful to give up on. He is sent to train at the Hardeen Kingdom to become a guard for the king. But an overly harsh Master is more challenging than he ever thought. Wren is the last mage. She is a used and abused farm girl and she wants to see what the world has to offer. When she does get the opportunity, she realizes that the world is far more dangerous than she thought.

The Compendium of Raath - Book 1: The Chosen by Michael Mood was a very good read. The novel was dark, almost too dark at some points, but it was good and engaging. I can guarantee that no reader will put the book down until they have reached the end and are begging for the next book in the series. I really enjoyed it!