The Creakling

Fiction - Short Story/Novela
65 Pages
Reviewed on 07/30/2024
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    Book Review

Reviewed by Pikasho Deka for Readers' Favorite

The Creakling is a thriller novella by Jason C. Dykehouse. Set in 1867, the story follows eleven-year-old Tommy Jones Calhoun, a skinny kid who lives on a decrepit farmstead with his grandfather (Pawpa) just outside of the town of Little Lavaca in South Texas. Tommy's parents died years ago; an event he doesn't remember. Nowadays, he and his Pawpa barely make ends meet to survive one day at a time. After a stormy night, Tommy finds a peculiar-looking vine in the cornfield. At his grandfather's behest, he takes the purple vine in a pail to show it to Sheriff Cartwright in Little Lavaca, only to learn a dark secret about his parents' deaths. On his return home, he discovers everything has changed, and now his school crush Loretta may be the only one to save him from a terrible situation.

With a touch of mystery, intrigue, and romance, Jason C. Dykehouse spins a gripping yarn that has you hooked from start to finish. The author paints a vivid picture of the 19th-century American South, bringing its rugged terrain, wilderness, and rural ambiance to life on the pages. The characters in this novella are salt-of-the-earth people you may have met in real life. Tommy is a fascinating young protagonist. He is a good kid who acts and talks like his age, but when push comes to shove, he doesn't hesitate to do the right thing. It doesn't take much time for the reader to start rooting for him. I really enjoyed Tommy's relationship with his grandfather and found his dynamic with Loretta simply adorable. All in all, The Creakling is a concise and captivating novella for young adults and adult readers alike.

Doreen Chombu

The Creakling by Jason C. Dykehouse is a historical fiction novella that delves into themes of death, growth, and the significance of values such as truthfulness, kindness, and helpfulness. The story is set on a rustic farmstead in the late 1800s, where Tommy, a young boy, learns valuable life lessons from his Pawpa while tackling the challenges of running the farm. As he copes with the mysterious deaths of his parents, Tommy must face his fears and struggles. He dreams of attracting Loretta, his crush's attention, and becoming a good man. When a meteor storm hits their town, Tommy and his Pawpa discover an unusually fast-growing plant in their field, bringing more chaos to their lives.

The Creakling is an engaging story that combines mystery, teenage romance, and coming-of-age themes, with a plot full of unexpected twists and turns. The narrative is rich in secrets, lies, and death, keeping readers engrossed and curious about what will happen next. It vividly depicts the events, immersing the reader in the setting and the emotional journeys of the characters. The use of dialect adds authenticity to the narrative, drawing the reader deeper into the world of the late 1800s. The conclusion is handled well, leaving the reader curious about the characters' futures as they embark on new paths in their lives in the countryside. Tommy's life is marked by tragedy and loss, but his optimistic attitude will inspire readers, and his innocence and determination will make them root for him. Overall, this is a captivating read with an intriguing premise and profound life lessons.

Amy Raines

In The Creakling by Jason C. Dykehouse, Pawpa taught Tommy always to be a giving young man. They were all each other had after Tommy’s parents were gone. His mother had a grave near the homestead, but his father wasn’t there. Pawpa told Tommy that his parents had died of Quick Fever, but Tommy couldn’t remember anything. During a meteor shower, something hit the field hard beside the homestead. Neither Tommy nor Pawpa knew what it could be. They find a strange plant that grows really fast in the cornfield and cut a small piece to take to the sheriff. Will the sheriff believe them when they tell him how it got there? Where did it come from? Does it risk the homestead, the crops, or maybe even their lives?

I loved everything about The Creakling and especially the way the author blindsided me with the unexpected. The endearing way the two main characters take care of one another through thick and thin gives the story a homey feel that pulled me in and held my attention until the end. I love the old-time setting that highlights the struggles and hardships of the 1800s and the delightfully suspenseful sci-fi twist. I recommend The Creakling to anyone who loves a story that is mild-mannered, evenly paced, and a quick read that they will want to revisit several times over. I hope that Dykehouse has several more stories like this one. I will definitely be on the lookout for them!

Anne-Marie Reynolds

In The Creakling by Jason C. Dykehouse, Tommy lives with his grandpa on an old farm. It’s just them left now; his parents are gone, but he doesn’t remember much about the night he lost them. He knows it was a terrible night but has pushed the details away. The farm is crumbling now. He and his grandpa do the best they can, but the brush is taking over. One night, they sat and watched a meteor shower, not realizing it would be the night that changed their lives. The next morning, they find something strange in the cornfield, something that fell from the sky. Something that would bring the past rushing back. Will Tommy finally learn what happened to his parents? Has the same thing come back to claim him and his grandpa?

The Creakling by Jason C. Dykehouse is a short suspenseful tale that will send shivers down your spine, and anytime you see a meteor shower, you’ll be on the lookout for anything strange that falls from the sky. This is a well-written, descriptive tale set in the Wild West. It’s written in a way that draws you in and makes you feel you are there, walking the old, overgrown trails, heading into town with a team of oxen, and living a simple farm life. The characters are wonderfully well-developed, and you’ll love little Tommy. Their backstories are spilled gradually throughout the book, with secrets being revealed and truths unfolding. It’s a unique story with a good plot, and you’ll love the ending. This is an entertaining tale, highly recommended if you are looking for a short read to fill an hour.

Bryone Peters

The Creakling by Jason C. Dykehouse is about a young American boy, Tommy, who lives with his grandfather when a strange happening occurs on their farm. The story takes place in the Old West era. Readers get to know the boy and the unfortunate way his family members died. The town considers his grandfather a hero because his actions saved the other townspeople. The area changes slowly. Tommy remembers his grandmother, Mawma, and thinks fondly of her. Tommy and his grandfather often speak of her. Life has been different since then. Tommy must go to school despite them finding an odd object in the crop fields behind their house. Disaster soon follows as the strange object has a menacing behavior that changes life on the farm forever.

The Creakling by Jason C. Dykehouse is a story wrapped in nostalgia and American country-living innocence and charm from the perspective of a young protagonist, Tommy. The dialogue between Pawpa and Tommy is sweet. The story has a heartwarming side and a side that will send chills up your spine. The story starts slowly and unassumingly but later becomes scary and thrilling. Dykehouse writes affectionately about the quilts of Tommy’s late Mawma. There are several bitter-sweet movements. I enjoyed the part where Tommy speaks to the pessimistic sheriff because it is not easy convincing the sheriff that there is something to be concerned about. Dykehouse slowly brings in the element of fear and suspense that leads to the climax. The conclusion of this story is worth the wait.