The Crocodile Choir

A heartwarming rhyming children's book about friendship, courage, and finding your place in the world.

Children - Picture Book
56 Pages
Reviewed on 07/26/2024
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    Book Review

Reviewed by Emily-Jane Hills Orford for Readers' Favorite

All Cody wants to do is sing. The thing is: no one will sing with him. His friends only want to play and lounge around in the water because that’s all crocodiles do. In Nico Altamirano’s The Crocodile Choir, Cody is discouraged and disheartened. He wanders off in search of someone to sing with him. He comes upon a bird singing a pretty song and asks her to sing with him. Frightened and worried that Cody might eat her, she flies away. Cody wanders off again and discovers a group of animals, including a zebra, an elephant, a lion, a hippo, and a giraffe, all singing together. When he asks to join them, they scoff at him and the zebra says, “A crocodile that wants to sing? Oh, that’s so wrong.” Cody heads home, but the little bird that first caught his attention flies overhead, and asks to join him in song, saying quite simply that, “Singing is for everyone because everyone has something different to offer!”

Nico Altamirano’s picture book, The Crocodile Choir, is a heartwarming rhyming children’s book. The story is all about friendship, determination, courage, and standing up for your beliefs. It’s also about music and the true power of song. The story is told in rhyming verse and the language is simple to help young readers follow along and improve their reading skills. The illustrations by Veeona Man are bright, bold, colorful, and lots of fun, bringing the story alive. This is a great teaching tool for young readers as well as an engaging and entertaining read (and a musical one, too).