The Dear John Letter

Fiction - Short Story/Novela
172 Pages
Reviewed on 10/22/2024
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    Book Review

Reviewed by Essien Asian for Readers' Favorite

In her youth, Lily Lindenberg had big ambitions. She was not prepared to take up work in her father's firm upon completion of her law degree, but instead, she started thinking earnestly of qualifying as a medical doctor. Everything went as planned until a single indiscretion on her part stopped those grand plans and changed Lily's life. John was an active part of that disruption, but when she needed him, he was not there. Nothing made sense about his actions for the young woman until years later when she received a letter from her old friend. In Klothild de Baar's The Dear John Letter, Lily explains what transpired during the stormy days that followed.

Klothild de Baar turns every woman's worst fears into a poignant narrative about what could have been if circumstances were different. The character development is extensive for a narrative crafted like a letter. Lily's reflections on John's apparent avoidance are relatable and, at times, may resonate more deeply than many care to acknowledge. Klothild weaves an engaging dynamic between the struggling woman and her family, emphasizing the high expectations she sets for herself in a manner many women will easily recognize. Although the dialogue is primarily one-sided, it is profound and retains a poetic quality that fans of drama and romance will enjoy. The Dear John Letter highlights the meticulous attention given to Lily's decisions and the subtle reasons behind them, especially when seemingly less stressful alternatives were available. The remarkable narrative style and measured pacing perfectly illustrate the harsh sacrifices women face in a male-dominated world.