The Diary

Succession of Lies

Fiction - Drama
464 Pages
Reviewed on 04/22/2011
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    Book Review

Reviewed by Lynn for Readers' Favorite

How well does a person know their own family? The past will affect your future. However, will it haunt you forever? The unexpected death of Karlee Jones’ mother Corynn, turned her whole life upside down. Not only did it affect her but her father, sister, brother and also her future relationships. She received a package from her mother’s lawyer marked confidential, for her only. It contained her mother’s diary. Karlee read the diary and discovered, the lies and the secrets her mother had kept hidden. The memories and the respect she once had for her mother was now slowly diminishing. Karlee was faced with a dilemma. The only father she ever knew had lied to her. Her brother may not be able to handle it the truth. Her sister is on drugs. Her father is despondent over his wife’s death. Her ex finance claims to still love her. She has been dating her current boyfriend for two years. Will Karlee be able to handle the stress without destroying her mentally?

This is the story of a family plagued by lies and secrets of a mistress. The plot exposes the love, lust, loss and redemption in the trials of two women. Will Karlee follow in the footsteps of her mother or will she come to realize after reading the full diary what to do with her life. I kept asking myself the question; why does a mistress stay in a relationship. Is a love strong enough to endure the consequences of such a relationship? I cared for the characters in this book. The plot quickly drew me in. I was reminded of consequences. Every decision has a consequence. Excellent story, deeply written.