The Dragon Roars

The Seven Trilogy Book 2

Fiction - Suspense
312 Pages
Reviewed on 04/24/2016
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    Book Review

Reviewed by JJ Phillips for Readers' Favorite

The Dragon Roars (The Seven Trilogy Book 2) is the second book by Sara Davison about Meryn and Jesse’s continuing saga of romance and religious belief during chaotic times. It is the year 2054 and religious persecution is on the rise. Specifically, the Canadian Army is persecuting Christians. Blinded by his hatred, Lieutenant Gallagher is hell-bent on removing Christians from his city. One of those Christians is Captain Jesse Christensen. He is finding it harder and harder to hide his faith. He meets with Meryn O’Reilly in secret, as both could end up in a lot of danger and trouble if they are caught together. As Lieutenant Gallagher gets closer to his favorite target, Jesse’s life is increasingly more and more at risk. He and Meryn want to stay true to their faith but, like the other Christians in the city, are struggling with whether or not they can continue living a secret life.

I really liked the political and religious implications of The Dragon Roars (The Seven Trilogy Book 2). There was a lot going on in this story and I think Sara Davison did an excellent job of tying it all together. This book could be categorized in so many different ways: romance, suspense, dystopian tale, book about Christianity. But it is so much more than just one of those labels. It is a story that is meant to make you think long after you have read the last page. It definitely made me stop and think about my beliefs, and I credit that to Davison’s excellent writing skills.

Michael White

The Dragon Roars (The Seven Trilogy Book 2) by Sara Davison is a suspenseful dystopian story. In 2054, Canada is sanctioning its Christians. Captain Jesse Christensen desperately tries to hide the fact that he is a believer. He and Meryn O’Reilly meet in secret as Lieutenant Gallagher’s hatred for Christians escalates. Gallagher’s power continues to grow, putting Jesse and Meryn in danger. As their love increases, Meryn debates sharing her secret with Jesse. Her secret is sure to change their relationship forever, but Meryn isn’t sure in which direction. But she doesn’t have much time left. Gallagher is homing in on Christians throughout the city, and Jesse’s life is in extreme danger. Jesse and Meryn must determine if they have the strength to continue believing in their faith. They can set an example for others around them who worry that the cost of Christianity is just too high.

The Dragon Roars (The Seven Trilogy Book 2) is a nicely written story. It will appeal to a lot of readers because it has layers of romance, suspense, action, and dystopian traits that many readers will find appealing. It also hits on a religious chord and questions whether or not people should have certain religious rights. It is a very thought provoking novel. Sara Davison did a nice job of creating depth in this story so that it is more than just a romance or a dystopian tale. There is so much to take in and think about that readers will be chewing on this tale for a long time.

James Phillips

Imagine a world 40 years from now. In this world, Christianity is a bad word and Christians are persecuted by members of the official Army. Christians are forced to hide their religious beliefs and meet secretly to avoid being punished. They have to keep their feelings to themselves and outwardly pretend they are non-believers. This is the world Sara Davison created in The Dragon Roars (The Seven Trilogy Book 2). It is the world that Christian followers Captain Jesse Christensen and Meryn O’Reilly live in. It is an especially dangerous world for Captain Jesse Christensen, who must outwardly appear to support his role in the Army, but inwardly wants to proclaim his love for Christ. His secret meetings with Meryn help fuel his desires, but how much longer can he remain quiet? Even knowing that if he speaks, his life is immediately in danger?

I really enjoyed the premise of The Dragon Roars (The Seven Trilogy Book 2). This isn’t just a book about religion and I appreciated that there was so much more depth to this book. It is a suspenseful story and has layers of romance added as well. It has dystopian influences and deep philosophical implications. Sara Davison did a nice job of creating a book with more than one aspect and I really liked that. I also enjoyed the characters and their connection. I thought they were well-thought out and executed nicely. It was wonderful to see two characters who went to such lengths for something that they believed in.