The Dreamer 4

Fiction - Drama
322 Pages
Reviewed on 09/22/2024
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    Book Review

Reviewed by Carol Thompson for Readers' Favorite

The Dreamer 4 by A.D. Plautz is a blend of drama and surrealism that tugs at the emotions. The story revolves around Bob Parker, a man grappling with the news of an inoperable brain tumor. This already-heavy premise is only the beginning. Bob’s life takes an even stranger turn when he starts having dreams that feel so real that they seem like windows into the future. What makes this book interesting is how Bob’s dreams start to bleed into the real world, making it difficult for him to communicate with his loved ones. As his condition worsens, he is pulled deeper into his subconscious where vivid dreams dominate his life. The plot balances Bob’s deteriorating health and the evolving dream world he’s trapped in.

A.D. Plautz's exploration of Bob’s inner and outer realities is thought-provoking, especially as the two blur. The frustration at his inability to speak to tell his family what he foresees and his impending death add to the suspense. The book raises questions about fate, family, and how our subconscious minds might grasp truths we can’t quite voice in the waking world. Plautz creates a narrative that asks the reader to suspend disbelief and dive into a story where the lines between dreams and reality are almost impossible to see. The Dreamer 4 is a tale about the unpredictability of life. It’s a bit of a rollercoaster, making it an engaging read. If you enjoy drama with a touch of the surreal, this is definitely a book you won’t want to miss.