The Dryburgh Chronicles

Part 1: The Existence of Shadows

Fiction - Magic/Wizardry
281 Pages
Reviewed on 10/03/2024
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    Book Review

Reviewed by Miche Arendse for Readers' Favorite

The Dryburgh Chronicles: Part 1, The Existence of Shadows by L.P. Halliday follows the quiet yet curious Lillian Darling and her research partner Edgar Falkirk as they seek to uncover the truth and clear the names of those who were once accused of witchcraft and devilry. When the two head to Scotland to meet a contact, they end up being flung back in time to the 16th century. Now instead of having to clear the names of those falsely accused, they have to ensure that they aren’t accused as well.

The Dryburgh Chronicles by L.P. Halliday is a well-written and epic mystery novel with fun twists, romance, and hilarious moments that will leave you rolling on the ground, laughing. I didn’t know what to expect when I started this novel but I was pleasantly surprised by how much I enjoyed it. I liked Lillian’s character and even more so the fact that she is neurodivergent. I felt that her character offered a sense of diversity from the usual female lead and I liked that all her little quirks and nuances made her unique but relatable. I also really enjoyed the premise of the novel and found it to be really refreshing. Halliday did a wonderful job with the world-building and setting the stage for the events that happen later in the plot. She also built the characters well, allowing for enough character development throughout the narrative. Overall I thoroughly enjoyed The Dryburgh Chronicles and highly recommend giving it a read.