The Exceptions

Fiction - Drama
480 Pages
Reviewed on 11/05/2012
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    Book Review

Reviewed by Karen Pirnot for Readers' Favorite

I was hooked from the first page to the last. "The Exceptions" by David Cristofano is one of those books that are so well-written that the reader is treated to a new, in-depth lesson on the machinations of the human soul. Not having read Cristofano's first book, I felt this one stood by itself as a clear and exciting read. Although the book is basically about a mafia family living on the east coast, it has much more to do with the propensities of human nature than is does with the "mob." Johnny Bovaro is a complex and exciting character who basically attempts to deny his innate darker side as he makes choices which bring him to the precipice of self-destruction. As a child, he witnessed the tragedy of a family wanting to dine at his father's restaurant. He then sees the cost of being in the wrong place at the wrong time and his life takes off from there. From that point on, his life is dedicated to the safety and well-being of the little girl caught in the web of aggression and deceit.

The character development in this book is simply outstanding. The reader feels she or he knows the characters personally and most will identify with the developmental choices which John Bavaro must make. There are so many ethical and moral lessons in this book and yet, they are most prominently experienced after the final page is read. This book has the makings of a classic.