The Extraordinary Education of Nicholas Benedict

Fiction - Mystery - General
480 Pages
Reviewed on 08/29/2012
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    Book Review

Reviewed by Joy Hannabass for Readers' Favorite

Nicholas Benedict is not your ordinary young guy. At age nine, Nicholas is an orphan. He has an unfortunate and different nose, and he also has a rare and interesting condition called narcolepsy that gives him terrible nightmares and causes him to fall asleep at really bad times. But Nicholas is a genius and in this book, “The Extraordinary Education of Nicholas Benedict,” you will read about the most amazing young man you have ever read about. And talking about adventures, well, you haven’t read anything yet!

I absolutely love this fantastic and wonderful book by Trenton Stewart. Nicholas has the potential for a child everyone would feel sorry for because he didn’t have a family and home, and because of his difficult condition. Naturally I was in awe of this amazing precious child! He could have been annoying and just plain aggravating, but he was so brilliant that you had to love him. Mr. Stewart surely knows how to capture the heart and interest of readers by taking an orphan child that most people would disown, pulling out his special characteristics and personality, and writing a story that will touch your heart in a way that will grip it and hold for a long time after you finish reading the book. I highly recommend this amazing book. I loved it and just can’t say enough about it. And if you haven’t read the other Nicholas Benedict books, no need to worry; this is a great stand-alone read.