The Forgotten Man

A Q.C. Davis Mystery

Fiction - Crime
346 Pages
Reviewed on 08/11/2024
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    Book Review

Reviewed by Alma Boucher for Readers' Favorite

In The Forgotten Man: A Q.C. Davis Mystery, a crime thriller by Lisa M. Lilly, lawyer Quille C. Davis's sister vanished forty years ago, and her body was discovered in a grave with that of Vanessa Kev. Vanessa's kidnapping and murder occurred when she was just five years old. The killer was never found, despite the evidence indicating that the same person committed both crimes. To find her sister's killer, Quille met with Ted Kev to discuss his daughter's murder forty years prior. Quille also hoped that her interview with Kev would explain why her parents were the most likely suspects. There was an attempt on Quille's life to stop her from continuing with her investigation, so would she be able to find the killer before becoming the next victim?

The Forgotten Man by Lisa M. Lilly was a page-turner that was hard to put down. The story was fast-paced, and the action started from the first page with never a dull moment. With all the twists and turns, I never knew what would happen next and was kept on the edge of my seat. The characters were authentic and relatable with interesting backgrounds. I sympathized with Quille for being a replacement baby for her sister who had passed away. The story was expertly written and had a surprising turn of events at the conclusion. I was positive I knew who the killer was but was shocked when the identity was revealed. My feet were knocked out from beneath me since I did not see it coming!