The Fourth River

Life Begins At The End Of Days

Christian - Fiction
Kindle Edition
Reviewed on 07/26/2024
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    Book Review

Reviewed by Foluso Falaye for Readers' Favorite

A river that's spreading and running backward has appeared in the desert. Dr. Jennifer Cummings is glad to embark on a mission to find out what's going on. However, she is surprised to discover that her ex, Mark Sumner, will be accompanying her to document the trip as an information specialist. Mark, who is equally surprised to be working with his ex, discovers their trip might involve discovering the location of the lost Ark of the Covenant. Unfortunately, Mark and Jennifer, along with their fellow travelers, have to face the threat of desperate people and political complications involving other countries, including Israel, Saudi Arabia, and Iraq. Will Mark and Jennifer find their path as they deal with buried feelings? Teresa M. Bruce's The Fourth River is a mind-blowing, apocalyptic tale with suspenseful scenes, daunting twists, and deep, biblical messages.

The Fourth River is skillfully written and loaded with attractive elements that command attention and make it hard to take a break from it. Teresa M. Bruce's skillful perspective shifts allow us to follow the story from different angles and enjoy its busy plot. I loved Mark and Jennifer's adorable romantic relationship, as it depicts two former lovers gradually reviving sparks and exploring new possibilities. Also, prepare for intriguing action scenes involving surprise attacks, spine-chilling villains, and close calls. The suspenseful scenes shine a light on the importance of trusting God to take control, even in the most hopeless situations. Since The Fourth River is the first book in a series, I am eager to read the next installments. Ultimately, this book is a masterful work that fans of thrillers and Christian fiction will love—a fine example of a story that successfully combines romance, action, and faith.