The Galaxy According to Cece

The Mysterious Dr. Pruitt

Children - Preteen
169 Pages
Reviewed on 09/21/2024
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    Book Review

Reviewed by Luwi Nyakansaila for Readers' Favorite

The Galaxy According to Cece: The Mysterious Dr. Pruitt by Sherry Roberts is a children’s storybook that follows Cece, a girl navigating the complexities of a new life in a new town. Her family has just moved into an observatory, which should be quite exciting. However, because of rumors at school about her house being haunted, adapting becomes a problem for Cece. Fortunately, she gains some faithful friends, Analise, Gia, and Jaxon, who choose to remain at her side, despite the rumors and taunts from others. When it seems things are getting better for Cece, she meets Dr. Pruitt, a real ghost living in the observatory. Fearing that others discovering his existence could lead to more trouble and further rumors, Cece befriends Dr. Pruitt, who teaches her to be kind and understanding of others, including her bully, Mercedes. Join Cece as she explores her new home and unravels the mysteries of the observatory.

The Galaxy According to Cece: The Mysterious Dr. Pruitt grabs your attention from the first page until the last. It is the second book in the series. Sherry Roberts does an excellent job of summarizing all that transpired in the first book, helping readers catch up with the story. The book covers themes of friendship, empathy, and adventure. With its unique combination of supernatural and social challenges, the story emphasizes the importance of mental breaks and self-reflection. The inclusion of astrological elements adds an educational dimension, encouraging young readers to explore the wonders of the universe. Overall, this is a great read with intriguing characters and an interesting plot. Cece's story is not yet over; her journey continues and I look forward to the conclusion of her adventure.