The Game

Winning by Virtue One Move at a Time

Non-Fiction - Relationships
252 Pages
Reviewed on 09/19/2024
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    Book Review

Reviewed by Asher Syed for Readers' Favorite

The Game: Winning by Virtue One Move at a Time by HRM Princess Merrilee of Solana looks at the role of love in daily life, urging a reevaluation of concepts such as God, forgiveness, and sacrifice for greater clarity. Princess Merrilee speaks on overcoming ego resistance and leans into personal growth through love and patience as the key to spiritual enlightenment and fulfillment. Self-awareness, self-discipline, and ethical behavior, including boundary-setting and respectful relationships, are deemed crucial for success. Princess Merrilee uses virtues likened to chess pieces—Honor as the King and Faith as the Queen—to illustrate the importance of integrity and spiritual insight. She also proposes a five-gate framework for evaluating individuals—Physical Beauty, Personality, Intelligence, Character, and Spirituality—where true spirituality is seen as a deep, internal connection rather than external practices.

HRM Princess Merrilee of Solana does a wonderful job of merging relatable experiences with genuine spiritual insight to challenge and redefine our understanding of love and self-growth. The Game stands out for its actionable framework and its thorough and thoughtful dive into all that she presents. Princess Merrilee's writing is clean and concise, and she does well in inviting readers to suspend their preconceptions and try to embrace a path of self-awareness and virtue. I felt particularly drawn to her argument that the true mastery of love requires a deep and disciplined approach to personal conduct. She also keeps it real in with firm assertions such as that trust, once lost, is difficult to regain, and that recognizing when the relationship is beyond repair is essential. Overall, The Game is a refreshing blend of philosophy, faith, titular analogies, and practical wisdom, making it a worthwhile read for anyone seeking to enhance their spiritual and personal life. Recommended.