The Gen-E Project

Fiction - Drama
224 Pages
Reviewed on 05/11/2014
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    Book Review

Reviewed by Gary Stout for Readers' Favorite

The Gen-E Project by A. Marie Zellmer is a novel of two generations, engineered around genetics alteration, who are struggling to keep the controversial research secret and out of the hands of Russian underground agents. Just at the point of scientific success, Dr. Becca Samone and her Agency assigned bodyguard, Jack Lyndon, must fight for their lives when the relentless Russians break into the lab. Thus starts an evil game of hide and seek that keeps Becca and Jack on the run. They are seldom more than a step ahead of the Russian underground agents who are desperate to obtain the secret of the Gen-E project, no matter the cost, including the taking of innocent lives. The budding romance between protected and protector serves as a wonderful backdrop to continuity throughout the novel.

A. Marie Zellmer has woven an intricate plot and populated it with real characters spanning the gamut of human emotions. The heroes are not superhuman, by any means, but they are well trained, know their jobs, and do them very well. The Gen-E Project has something for everyone: action, suspense, hard-fought friendships, loyalty and undying love. As the story unfolds, you empathize with the main characters, willing them to succeed, and just when they reach for the brass ring, Zellmer turns up the heat and you're eagerly anticipating what will happen next. From Richmond, Virginia to Moscow, then a small island in the middle of nowhere, and on to upstate Idaho, the roller coaster chase is on with you hanging onto the edge of your seat. Gen-E is a treasure.