The Good Driver

Fiction - Thriller - General
402 Pages
Reviewed on 07/06/2024
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    Book Review

Reviewed by Gaius Konstantine for Readers' Favorite

"You know old ideas eventually die with old minds.” Perhaps some do, but great ideas and virtues are immortal, even in the most challenging times. The Good Driver by Gary A. James follows the tribulations of a man of faith tested by villainy and pettiness. Max Doren is a truck driver trying to make ends meet and navigate a lonely life with his dog, Jeremy. But life is unkind to Max as he constantly clashes with his boss, Rick, a slimy and ambitious man seeking unjustified revenge on Max for an event decades in the past. When Rick's ambition unwittingly entangles the company with a criminal mastermind, theft, and murder devastate Max and those around him. But harsh times often make a person disclose their true nature, and Max will face many trials that will reveal the kind of man he truly is.

The Good Driver by Gary A. James seems like a straightforward thriller, but it is not. While the main plot focuses heavily on the battle between a trucking company and a criminal, the secondary plot revolves around Max and his struggle with life. Themes of faith, good and evil, ambition, and redemption are heavily present throughout the story. However, while the author got his points across, at no time did I feel as if he were pontificating because his message is down-to-earth, believable, and wholesome. Character development is superb. Max is fascinating, and Axel is someone I would want as a friend. And while Rick is utterly and delightfully despicable but not evil, the true villain is someone else. The pace is like a gathering storm reaching a crescendo and threatening to engulf anything in its path. For fans of thrillers, The Good Driver will not let you down.