The Guilty One

A Novel

Fiction - Suspense
480 Pages
Reviewed on 03/23/2013
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    Book Review

Reviewed by Alice DiNizo for Readers' Favorite

Young Ben Stokes has been murdered in a secluded part of a children's playground in London, England. A brick was smashed against his face, fracturing his eye socket and killing him within hours. A man reported that he'd seen two boys fighting on the playground and had yelled at them to stop. Eleven year old Sebastian Croll is taken into custody and charged with the murder as he lived near the Stokes and had often played with Ben. Lawyer Daniel Hunter is called upon to defend Sebastian who is a troubled child with a strange but wealthy home-life. Daniel knows quite well how it is to be an unwanted, unloved child as when he was Sebastian's age he was sent to live with Minnie Flynn in rural Brampton. Daniel's mother was an out-of-control addict and could not give him proper care. Daniel is violent, called an "evil little bastard" by his last foster father. But Minnie, a psychiatric nurse, gives Daniel her very best, even though she enjoys her glass filled with gin every night.

"The Guilty One" by Lisa Ballantine is one of those highly well-written and rare stories of suspense that will leave the reader unsettled but nonetheless reading every word until the end. The main character Daniel Hunter, raised by Minnie ithimself that no one should miss. Minnie Flynn is a multifaceted character who will make her way into reader's hearts as she imperfectly but lovingly salvages a young boy almost destroyed by those around him. Sebastian, his parents, Daniel's work associate, Irene, and all the other characters, major and minor alike, add to the basic story. "The Guilty One" should be on reading lists everywhere; it is brilliant and unforgettable.