The Judas Dilemma

Fiction - Mystery - Murder
382 Pages
Reviewed on 10/13/2015
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    Book Review

Reviewed by Marta Tandori for Readers' Favorite

The Judas Dilemma by Robert Heath is an exciting legal thriller, masterfully executed by a former state court prosecutor and criminal defense lawyer. Thirty-year-old Rian Coulter is gaining a solid reputation in the Florida Panhandle as a top-notch public defender – certainly a far cry from her previous position with a prestigious Alabama law firm where actually getting the opportunity to work a trial was about as likely as Rian now being able to score the generous salary of her private practice days. Rian’s past comes back to haunt her when a string of brutal murders hits the Florida Panhandle, vividly reminding her of a case from her past which also involved a serial killer that had brutalized his victims and terrorized an entire city. With the killer soon jeopardizing her career and her life, Rian’s mettle is put to the test in a way she never could have imagined.

With the panache of Grisham and the well-honed skills of Turow, Robert Heath sets the stage for The Judas Dilemma and then flawlessly executes it, putting his readers, like his characters, through their paces as they assess the grisly crime scenes, sift through the evidence, make reasonable deductions based on the evidence gathered before tentatively accumulating a list of likely suspects – only to be thrown a curve ball by the author which soon takes them in another direction altogether. The plot is well thought-out and the prose tight in order to keep the reader engaged at all times – so much so that there were several points in the book where I lost all track of time. The setting for the story is one that the author is familiar with and this resonates nicely, preventing an otherwise intense story from becoming too clinical. Like his protagonist, Rian Coulter, the author knows his law and his way around a courtroom. Combine these two points with an overactive imagination and you’ve got The Judas Dilemma, a wonderful legal thriller that’s sure to win the author fans both in and out of the courtroom!