The Kuiper Rogue

Young Adult - Sci-Fi
354 Pages
Reviewed on 08/02/2024
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    Book Review

Reviewed by Essien Asian for Readers' Favorite

Will Davolah did not expect to be on Gaia 3. What was even more shocking for him was that his name was put forward by none other than his mother. As the personnel focus on resolving a problem with the oxygen on the base, they are unaware of a much bigger problem approaching their location. Will had earlier observed this heavenly body’s approach from his telescope and paid scant attention, thinking it was just another comet, but when unusual things start happening and people go missing he is forced to take action. The future of humanity lies in the balance as the apocalypse approaches in C.P. Schaefer’s The Kuiper Rogue.

An extinction-level event is on the cards in C.P. Schaefer’s science fiction novel. His origin story of an advance in technology on Earth to the point of colonizing far-off planets sets the kind of tone that avid science fiction junkies will immediately fall in love with. The interesting way the author crafts the complicated relationship between Will and Margaret shows the reader it will take something special for there to be a meeting of minds between these two individuals. The description of the two hemispheres that make up the settlements is so detailed that it leaves little to the imagination. What stands out is the way Schaefer ramps up the suspense in the plot as it progresses. He uses engaging language to draw the reader into the story and keep them hooked, wondering what will happen next. The Kuiper Rogue may seem geared toward those who appreciate the technical side of science fiction, but it manages to maintain a healthy dose of action that balances out this story beautifully.