The Man Who Dealt in Death

Fiction - Supernatural
342 Pages
Reviewed on 08/18/2024
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    Book Review

Reviewed by Alicia DeBerry for Readers' Favorite

Marlena Frank takes readers back to 1893 and into a sensational and dangerous world in the Old West in her supernatural novel The Man Who Dealt in Death. There are paranormal creatures and beings labeled unexplainable mingled into the everyday lives of cowboys and gunslingers. Follow the case of werewolf detective Colton Fen and his new partner, vampire illusionist Rennick Dalton, as they track the unimaginable evil that lurks and grows deep beneath the desert town of Peridot. Joined by Mary Silva, a sassy actress and a deadly accurate shot, they track the demon. They have no idea that the demon wants to add them to its collection of minions. Can they stop the horror, or will they become a part of a grotesque collection?  
The Man Who Dealt in Death is a superb supernatural novel by Marlena Frank that readers of murder mysteries, thrillers, paranormal, and horror genres will enjoy. The detailed descriptions of the gory scenes are so vivid that I could see and smell what was happening. It was like experiencing a great movie or watching an epic television series. The action is non-stop but moves at a medium pace. There is time to process the new information as the characters rest and plan their next move. Frank explains the supernatural beings and their abilities clearly. She brought fresh and new ideas of supernatural beings that I found unique and the stuff of nightmares. I was on edge and in fear over the fates of Fen, Rennick, and Mary.