The Marshal

A Novel of Bill Tilghman

Fiction - Historical - Event/Era
380 Pages
Reviewed on 11/04/2009
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    Book Review

Reviewed by Anne Boling for Readers' Favorite

The Marshall is a close look at the life of William ”Bill” Matthew Tilghman. He was a lawman, gunslinger and buffalo hunter in the old west. He is remembered as the greatest sheriff in the west. Matt Cole tells Bill’s story through the voices of over 70 people that knew Bill well. They rode with him, and hunted with him. Among them were bartenders, lawmen, Friends and enemies, Bat Masterson, Wyatt Earp and Doc. Holiday.

The Marshall allows the reader to experience the different stages in the life of this well known man, beginning with his birth in July 4th, 1854. Bill became the head of the house when his father was off fighting the war. He was only 15 when he left home to become one of the greatest buffalo hunters around. This is a fictional account of a famous American icon. The author includes excerpts of newspaper reports, pages from his autobiography and many other accounts that bring this man to life. Tilghman drove outlaws out of Oklahoma. He was a United States Marshall, State Senator, and an Indian fighter. This is an amazing read. Cole allows readers to experience American West. Bill Tilghman was killed in the line of duty on November 1,1924 by a Prohibition Officer by the name of Wiley Lynn. He was 70 years old.

I have to admit heard of “Bill” Tilghman until I read this book. I was so impressed that I began to do a little research on this amazing man. I will keep this book and read it again. Both young and old will enjoy reading about a hero of the Wild West.