The Medinandi License

Fiction - Thriller - General
316 Pages
Reviewed on 08/22/2016
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    Book Review

Reviewed by Anne-Marie Reynolds for Readers' Favorite

The Medinandi License by Randall Reneau is a thriller. Trace Brandon is a geologist who is mining in Mali, West Africa. He hasn’t been there two months before there are two attempts on his life and one of his gold drilling rigs is blown up by an RPG. In the meantime, he has fallen hard for Molly Wainwright, a Peace Corps volunteer. Everything seems to be pretty much normal until Gordon Watson, a friend of Trace’s is kidnapped by Al Qaeda. Trace struggles to make the ransom demand and turns to a French-Canadian ex-mobster and a Malian arms dealer for some help. Between them, they come up with a rescue plan – a very risky and very illegal plan. If it all goes wrong, Trace could end his days behind bars or in a cemetery. Can Trace rescue Gordon in time or will it all go horribly wrong?

The Medinandi License by Randall Reneau is a truly thrilling read. It is clear that much of the story is written from the personal experiences of Mr. Reneau and that lends an air of reality to the story. The plot is thick with action, lots of twists and turns, and unexpected outcomes. The action is descriptive, leaving a reader in no doubt as to what is happening, to the point where you can almost close your eyes and be there, in the middle of it. The characters were very well developed, especially as this is the 4th book in a series. I found that I could read it as a standalone novel, but it is probably best read in sequence with the rest of the series for a deeper understanding. However, I did enjoy the book; it was gripping enough to keep me hooked and it was all brought together quite neatly at the end.