The Metamorphosis of Kaden Parsons

Children - Grade 4th-6th
136 Pages
Reviewed on 03/29/2013
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    Book Review

Reviewed by Trisha Dawn for Readers' Favorite

"The Metamorphosis of Kaden Parsons" is the story of one boy. Kaden fears to go to school because of what he has to face while there. He practices the lines he wants to say to his dad on the mirror plenty of times. He hopes that by saying these lines, Kaden will be able to convince him and avoid going to school that day. However, when he finally faces his dad, he begins to cry and things turn out differently for that moment to him. His dad wants him to go to school and faces the problem but later on, he is able to convince his dad of what he wants. A bonus is that his dad also stays at home with him. Despite Kaden's hesitation, his dad makes up plans for him to get over his fear. While trying to do so, they stumble upon his dad's memory involving a monarch butterfly. Soon, this inspires them to bring home and plant milkweeds and some red flowers to invite monarch butterflies to hatch eggs on it. Things start to change for Kaden and his dad from then on. Soon, Kaden gives off this effect when in school and starts to affect them in a good way, too.

I believe that its title "The Metamorphosis of Kaden Parsons" is a fitting name for such a lovely story. It is really about the change Kaden has undergone. This is beautifully written and is bound to inspire kids and parents in dealing with issues in school. Any child will be able to relate to what Kaden is facing and any parent would feel how his dad is feeling at the time. At the same time, this book makes readers aware of the dangers of extinction the monarch butterflies are facing. These two topics are really different but the author is able to infuse them harmoniously and not just anyone can do that. The author really does a great job in bringing a sensitive issue a child would face nowadays and slowly blends in the monarch butterflies in the best possible way.