The North Country Confessional

Fiction - Mystery - General
236 Pages
Reviewed on 01/28/2015
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    Book Review

Reviewed by Jack Magnus for Readers' Favorite

The North Country Confessional is a mystery written by Craig C. Charles. Darby Weeks is going home again, to the North Country hotel in Bretton Woods, New Hampshire, that's been owned and run by his family for generations. While blessed with wealth from the coal mining industry, the family seemed to be under a curse, stemming in part from their age-old feud with the Marsh family. Darby escaped the tense and demanding situation as a young man when he joined the Navy. Now, with the passing of his grandfather, Darby is the last of the Stickney line and heir to the hotel. The Medal of Honor winner had planned to spend just enough time there to settle the estate, but his departure gets delayed by a series of troubling events.

Craig C. Charles's mystery story, The North Country Confessional, takes the reader on a magical journey to the wild places and rugged mountains of New Hampshire while presenting at the same time a suspenseful mystery with both historical and supernatural aspects. Darby Weeks is complex and tortured, his discomfort at being the heir apparent and war-time hero writ large in everything he does. While Charles' mystery is first-rate and has a fantastic cast of characters, my favorite parts of the story revolved around Darby's climbs up Mount Washington and his hikes along that portion of the Appalachian Trail. What a treat to see the mountains and experience a bit of the trail through the author's eyes! The North Country Confessional is an engrossing mystery, with an intriguing main character and an unbelievably gorgeous natural setting. It's most highly recommended.