The Ogma Stone

Legends of Galaway

Children - Fantasy/Sci-Fi
352 Pages
Reviewed on 06/07/2024
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    Book Review

Reviewed by Liz Konkel for Readers' Favorite

The Ogma Stone by Alane Adams occurs two years following the defeat of Surt and his army. Now everything in Orkney has been peaceful and Sam Baron is bored. But that peace is about to change when a messenger brings troubling news from Galaway, a land that longs to be part of the Ninth Realm. A dangerous sorcerer has a disturbing plan to raise the Ogma Stone, allowing him to access the power of the gods. Before he can succeed, the sorcerer must find an ancient treasure to help him obtain the royal blood he requires. Sam puts a plan together to stop the sorcerer and joins forces with an assortment of allies, including Seeth, a young shadow elf whose brother has terrible allegiances, and Eithan, who may be the heir needed on the throne. This exciting adventure is great for older children but all ages can find enjoyment in the characters, story, and writing.

Alane Adams creates a rich setting that immerses readers in this incredible world. The plot weaves between various characters with Sam at the center of events. The characters can easily be distinguished by Seeth’s gentleness, Mavery’s headstrong nature, and Sam’s desire to have more in life. These different perspectives interlock to create an adventure where every thread connects and the characters must come together to save everyone. The main theme is the thirst for power, specifically the Ogma Stone, which is at the root of the evil sorcerer’s agenda and is what draws each character into the adventure. Strong mythological elements draw from Norse mythology with Odin, and Irish sources with the Tuatha de Danann, treasure, and demon horses. Adams puts fresh spins on these elements to create something new and unique that young readers will love. The Ogma Stone will be hard to put down as readers are drawn into a fantasy adventure that brings mythology to life.