The Phoenix Effect Part 2


Fiction - Science Fiction
224 Pages
Reviewed on 10/08/2024
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    Book Review

Reviewed by Juan Lynch for Readers' Favorite

The Phoenix Effect Part 2: Regeneration by Margaret M. MacDonald is a must-read suspenseful thriller. I recommend that to fully appreciate this thought-provoking sequel, it is important to first read The Phoenix Effect Part 1: The Reuniting. This story opens with Lia believing that Arin died in the final conflict of part one. Lia is emotionally drained; she no longer sees Roland as her husband, just her commander. Having her newborn child gives her some hope for the future. When she sees an opportunity to run away from Roland, she makes a swift getaway with the baby. Roland's people and land have just been ravaged by Unity soldiers, but he is too focused on getting Lia back. On the other hand, Arin, who made a miraculous recovery from a fatal headshot, is also hoping to win over Lia somehow.

I cannot express how much I enjoyed reading Margaret M. MacDonald's The Phoenix Effect Part 2: Regeneration. Similar to part 1, most of the story unfolds through Lia's and Arin's points of view. The inclusion of Dr. Timor Lau's journal entries is a welcomed addition as they aid in character development. All the characters feel genuine. There are also emotionally charged scenes involving minor characters that touched me. The story is well-paced. For example, Arin's struggle to escape imprisonment takes a while, so when he finally gets free it was a joyous moment for me. The theme of freedom is explored through all the main characters. They can only gain freedom once their ambitions are satisfied, but they all face strong opposition in their quests. I highly recommend The Phoenix Effect series to readers.