The Plight of Zerond

In Defiance of Destiny

Fiction - Science Fiction
415 Pages
Reviewed on 06/08/2024
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    Book Review

Reviewed by Ruffina Oserio for Readers' Favorite

The Plight of Zerond (In Defiance of Destiny) by Ann Lynn Richards is a compelling tale that takes readers on a journey driven by the desperation of a dying planet. Richards masterfully constructs a narrative where the inhabitants of Zerond, in their quest for a new home, are confronted with the stark realization that survival in uncharted territories may require embracing foreign ways of life. This fusion of science fiction and philosophical exploration highlights complex themes of adaptation and cultural assimilation. It is a tale of adventure and starting over.

The narrative follows compelling characters, especially Kiko, Oleah, Kanyi, Bashan, Amaka, and Ceilia; each character is crafted with solid motivations. These characters are bound together by blood and the unyielding will to survive, moving northward. Each step they take is toward an unknown future, and while the uncertainties loom large, so does their determination. These scattered remnants of old and new worlds advance in the intricate cosmic dance of survival, love, and loss. The terrific descriptions highlight the unfriendly landscapes and the swirling mists of time and space. While this is the third installment in a trilogy, it is a complete and satisfying narrative. Ann Lynn Richards writes fascinating details about her characters, plot, and setting, and readers get a brilliant image of a world torn apart and a community that refuses to die with that world. The dialogues are well-crafted, and the descriptions fill the pages. There is adventure, romance, and intrigue in this tale of hope in which the inhabitants of a stunningly imagined and excellently executed world seek a future.