The Power of S.A.D.

Children - Preteen
248 Pages
Reviewed on 09/03/2024
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Author Biography

Maggie loves to learn. With careers ranging from counseling families with special needs children to leadership in academic computing, she has had plenty of opportunities to learn, meet new people, and travel widely. Throughout it all, writing has been her first love. Her publications include eight non-fiction books, over 60 short stories, and fifteen novels ranging from upper middle grade to adults. The overriding theme in all her character-driven novels is people making heroic choices one messy moment at a time.

    Book Review

Reviewed by Demetria Head for Readers' Favorite

Maggie Lynch's The Power of S.A.D. is a poignant and powerful exploration of family, resilience, and self-discovery, woven into the fabric of an engaging Upper Middle Grade/YA novel. Set against the backdrop of foster care and familial upheaval, the book follows 11-year-old Akna Sales, who is thrust into a foster home with her two younger sisters after the prolonged absence of their ailing mother. With her family's future uncertain and her strength tested, Akna must navigate the challenges of her new life while grappling with her own fears and insecurities. Her journey, marked by the legacy of her ancestors and the strength she draws from them, forms the heart of this compelling narrative.

What makes The Power of S.A.D. stand out is its deeply resonant portrayal of resilience in the face of adversity. Maggie Lynch masterfully captures Akna's internal struggles and the burden of responsibility she shoulders at such a young age. The depiction of Akna’s attempts to maintain normalcy for her sisters, her clandestine efforts to find her absent mother and her evolving relationship with her foster family are rendered with sensitivity and authenticity. The exploration of cultural heritage, represented through Akna’s connection to her Mayan ancestry, adds a rich layer of depth, offering readers not just a story of survival but a journey toward understanding and embracing one's identity. Akna’s evolving relationship with her foster family, who despite their own struggles, provide an unexpected sense of belonging and love, adds a touching dimension to her journey. This blend of personal growth and cultural reverence, combined with the engaging dynamics of foster care life, ensures that The Power of S.A.D. will resonate deeply with readers. It offers both solace and inspiration, as Akna's compelling narrative demonstrates the power of strength and determination in overcoming life’s challenges.