The Practical Joke

Children - Grade 4th-6th
31 Pages
Reviewed on 11/11/2012
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Author Biography

Elisabeth Lynton was born in England in 1963. Her family immigrated to Australia, as ten-pound poms, before she turned five. After doing many wonderful things in her life, such as: hairdressing, dancing and accounting, to name a few, she now writes stories for children. Having four children of her own, who all loved to read, she decided writing created a world where anything at all became a possibility. To make this dream come true for her, Elisabeth completed a Diploma of Professional Writing.She lives in a suburb of Sydney nestled beneath the beautiful Blue Mountains, with her two youngest children, husband Scott, the cat Domino and their rough collie dog, Quincey.

    Book Review

Reviewed by Author Anna del C. Dye for Readers' Favorite

Here we have a very inventive Christmas book for elementary age children. It will entertain them and make them wish they too could save Christmas and be heroes for a year. I enjoyed this story and plot and so will your kids. It is a very creative and interesting story of how two kids save Christmas and in the process become a family. Rebecca’s father married a woman with a younger girl. It has been almost a year since the wedding, but she still feels her dad and her are strangers in her family of two. Right now, whatever she does gets her in trouble, especially when her dad won’t listen to her. After all, she has a good answer to why things are happening the way they do, around her. So it is the night before Christmas, and Pamela, her dad’s wife daughter, hears chimes. Rebecca really doesn’t want to pay attention to her, but her strong determination changes when she hears them, too. The two slip out of bed and go to see if Santa is really at their house. When they see the man wearing the bells, he is removing the presents from under the tree, not leaving them. There is no way he is really Santa. Something is very wrong. Now Rebecca and Pamela have to save Christmas. There are two possibilities: either they will become a family or Rebecca will be in a lot of trouble.

This nicely-written Christmas tale will give you food for thought, and will help you talk about blended families. It is a good present this Christmas for any elementary school age children, especially those in blended homes.

Kym Rogers

An excellent first book, I look forward to reading more of Elisabeths' work. I found it an enjoyable read suited well to the littlies, but older children and the adults reading it to the younger ones will enjoy it also. There are twists and turns in the tale, and the book features a blended family-highlights the difficulties of successfully blending a family,and the emotions and problems it brings.