The Pulse of My Heart

Taken Series, Book 3

Fiction - Time Travel
478 Pages
Reviewed on 08/29/2024
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    Book Review

Reviewed by K.C. Finn for Readers' Favorite

The Pulse of My Heart is the third book in the Taken Series by E. C. Roderick. Our protagonist Sylvie finds herself abruptly returned to the 21st century, separated from her beloved Leif, who is stranded in the 18th century. As she attempts to reintegrate into her old life, she is tormented by memories of her lost love and struggles with the emotional void left by their separation. The novel explores the merciless nature of time and its impact on love and longing, emphasizing the protagonist's battle to reconcile her past with her present while grappling with a fate that seems indifferent to her desires. As Sylvie tries to hide her life and refuses to explain what has happened to her, Leif attempts to find his way to his lost love across the boundaries of time.

Author E. C. Roderick’s evocative portrayal of time’s impact on the heart, both literally and metaphorically, is poignant and deeply immersive, drawing readers into a complex emotional journey where we feel like we’re on the shoulders of the heroes every step of the way. The confidence of the narrative tone keeps us emotionally present to feel every struggle, from Sylvie’s pangs and new challenges to Leif’s fish-out-of-water experience as he enters a whole new world and struggles to navigate it. Bringing together the dual timelines is no mean feat, but Roderick delivers it with great pacing and linguistics, creating a compelling contrast between the protagonist’s past and present as the two worlds finally collide. Roderick’s ability to capture the anguish of separation and longing demonstrates a profound understanding of human emotions, making the reader’s connection with the characters all the more intense and genuine. Overall, The Pulse of My Heart is a powerful emotional drama that fans of the series so far will not want to miss.