The Rise of Rynn

Young Adult - Coming of Age
397 Pages
Reviewed on 10/02/2024
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    Book Review

Reviewed by K.C. Finn for Readers' Favorite

The Rise of Rynn by Bianca Rowena is a young adult coming-of-age novel that serves as a prequel to her current series. At fifteen, Bryn (Takano Rynn) is in his final year at the Academy, entrenched in the Leadership Program of the ambitious Ruling Order, which aims to dominate the galaxies. To become the ruthless leader expected of him, Bryn must suppress his emotions and adhere to the Masters' Rule against attachments. However, an unexpected friendship with Rue, the granddaughter of a Master, and a complicated rivalry with his bully, Randon, challenge his resolve as he navigates the Elimination Games and his quest for identity.

Author Bianca Rowena excels at crafting multi-dimensional characters, and readers will find themselves immediately invested in Bryn’s internal conflict between his burning ambitions and the difficult emotional attachments in his life. These warring elements are portrayed with nuance, allowing readers to deeply connect on a journey of self-discovery and understanding that explores finding true identity and the struggle to balance personal desires with societal expectations. This is a highly relevant theme for the coming-of-age subgenre, and Rowena’s ability to weave these themes into Bryn's narrative encourages readers to reflect on their own experiences with identity formation and the complexity of human relationships. There’s also a fantastic amount of tension throughout the story, and the mix of heated competition and high emotional stakes adds to the pacing and excitement of the plot. Overall, The Rise of Rynn will be a must-read for fans of the existing series, but it’s also a brilliant standalone read about navigating the pressures of the cusp of adulthood that’s filled with drama and atmosphere at every turn.