The Secret King

First Contact

Fiction - Science Fiction
346 Pages
Reviewed on 12/08/2016
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    Book Review

Reviewed by Benjamin Ookami for Readers' Favorite

The Secret King: First Contact is the sequel to Dawn Chapman's The Secret King: Lethao. Kendro, King of the Aonise, has led his people to a new world called Earth. Communicating primarily with the Prime Minister of the United Kingdom, Kendro tries his best to merge his world with this new one. It's not an easy task, considering that to the humans, they're aliens with technologies and weapons that could very well surpass their own. Like their abilities to harness energies that can both heal and kill, Kendro also has to keep certain things about them hidden from the humans. Kendro's task seems manageable at first, but then a human is killed by one of them. Things can go terribly south for the Aonise from here.

Most science fiction fans are certainly accustomed to humans being the ones who come from a dying world to settle somewhere else in the universe, but Dawn Chapman has turned it all around. I can tell you that the author made me feel like one of the Aonise, and not a human, but knowing what terrible deeds we as a species are wont to do, my heart went out to the Aonise. The Aonise have their own words for things like water and energy. Every time one of these otherworldly beings harnessed "croex", which is something that they do for a variety of reasons, I could almost see it. I would go so far as to say that reading this book beats watching most science fiction cartoon series.

Samantha Dewitt (Rivera)

For planet Earth, things are never going to be the same from the first day that Kendro and the rest of the Ainoren species make contact with the Prime Minister. For Prime Minister Walker, Sergeant Mendoza and Natalie, it’s going to become even more of a problem as other countries around the world want to know what the arrival of an alien race really means for them. But there’s more at stake than any of them realize when Kendro and his people begin their habitation of the planet in hopes of a peaceful cohabitation. Because there are more enemies in the universe than they are prepared to fight, and they’ll have to come together to overcome them in The Secret King: First Contact by Dawn Chapman.

This book really lets you see what it could be like if aliens came among us and it was a super interesting way to do it. You got to see into the minds and lives of not just the humans that we already understand and really like, but of the aliens who were coming to our planet as well. Characters like Kendro, Octav and Chace, as well as Brie and everyone, else were interesting and complex characters that you really felt like you got to know throughout the course of the story. Not only that, but you were rooting for them to succeed and for everything to go as planned and you were waiting to find out more even after the story was over. I will definitely be looking for more about these characters from The Secret King.

Christian Sia

The Secret King - First Contact by Dawn Chapman is a beautiful blend of fantasy and sci-fi. An alien race safely makes its way to planet earth, expecting to find a safe haven where they can live peacefully, but things turn out to be different than what they initially thought. Can they survive the resistance from some of the intolerant and unwelcoming groups of earth’s inhabitants? And how much can the internal tension within their tribe destabilize them?

I love stories that get me hooked from the beginning and Dawn Chapman has created the perfect hook just in the opening lines. “Kendro, King of the Aonise, watched as his nemesis, Dalamaar, and his second, Trax, stormed away down the ship’s corridor. The encounter left the breath thin in his lungs, and a sour taste rose in his mouth. This had been much more than a personal attack. If only he’d not been left alone, but circumstances with Chace and Taliri had not allowed his usual guard to be there.”

This is a story that features very compelling characters, like Kendro, the King of the Aonise, Dalamaar who is one of the men the king would want thrust away as far from him as eternity. What does it take for Kendro to reconcile the factions within his own group? The Secret King - First Contact features great drama and an alien race in its struggle for survival, far from what they once called home. The story is the work of great imagination, well-paced, and brimming with conflict and suspense. The story begins in the midst of action and the conflict is immediately introduced. What is interesting is that the author masterfully keeps the reader hooked throughout the story, with beautiful descriptions, plot-driven dialogues, and intense action. With a clear and compelling narrative voice, Dawn Chapman manages to lure readers to care about the characters.