The Shadows of Erathal

The Legends of Evorath, #1

Fiction - Fantasy - Epic
342 Pages
Reviewed on 10/22/2024
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    Book Review

Reviewed by Jamie Michele for Readers' Favorite

The Shadows of Erathal by Joseph P. Macolino begins in the world of Evorath where Jaldor, a dairy farmer from the village of Paxvilla, faces chaos when dark elves known as the hájje, led by the powerful necromancer Zallenstal, attack his farm. Their invasion seeks to instill fear and gain control over the region. To defend against this threat, Jaldor allies with several key figures: George, a skilled mage from the nearby settlement who uses portal magic to transport allies and supplies; Sarah, a healer with her own connections to the community; Luna Freya, a fierce felite warrior from Vistoro's tribe committed to protecting her home; and Zelag, a shapeshifter investigating a tie to a larger conspiracy involving The Collector and The Albino. The Mages Guild later meets to discuss mobilizing. United in their efforts, Jaldor, George, Luna, and their allies work together, as well as on multiple fronts, to thwart Zallenstal’s plans and stop the invading hájje army—or risk losing everything and everyone precious to them.

In The Shadows of Erathal by Joseph P. Macolino, readers are treated to a brand new fantasy world of The Legends of Evorath series. The detail is exceptional, with scenes that build up and leap into the action, such as Luna preparing for her mission, and donning her custom armor and mythril gauntlets before stepping through a portal. I found the character development to be especially strong and even the ancillary characters get the same treatment. Artimus Jr. has one of the most incredible arcs, and his explosive growth in confidence during a single battle is a testament to Macolino's skill. The settings and landscapes feel almost cinematic and the story itself maintains a fast pace without any loss of immersion. I read this book during the traditional spooky season so the inclusion of winged demons was kind of the icing on the scary but delicious cake. Overall, this first installment leaves me wanting to continue with book two, and as a fantasy enthusiast, I look forward to its release. Very highly recommended.