The Sleeping Giant

A Novel

Fiction - Suspense
196 Pages
Reviewed on 09/02/2015
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    Book Review

Reviewed by Janelle Fila for Readers' Favorite

Mount Rainier had stood like a towering dormant sentinel, watching over the Puget Sound area for millennia. Then, on a clear September morning, something deep inside the heart of the sleeping volcano shifted. For the Brock family, and the millions of residents who lived in the mountain's shadow, life was about to change forever, and the unimaginable was about to occur ... the giant was waking up. Ten-year-old psychic twins Danny and Becca Brock must somehow save their family from impending doom.

I absolutely love the setting in The Sleeping Giant by Dusty Grein. I have family that lives in Spokane and Seattle and Whidbey Island in Washington, so I grew up learning about Puget Sound and Mt. Rainier. This is such a beautiful, natural setting and a great place to talk about nature and how that ties into civilization. I love stories that are fictional, but also try to teach the reader a lesson or at least open up the reader's mind and make them ask questions. Sometimes the questions are tough but they need asked. So I love the science behind this story and how it all ties back to the setting and nature, and how we have built all of these huge metropolis cities around one of the most dangerous dormant volcanoes in the United States. I also like the idea of the pending natural disaster because that just builds suspense and I couldn't wait to dive into this story!

This story reminded me a lot of the movie San Andreas starring Dwayne Johnson. Again, it is a fictionalized tale but about a pending natural disaster that scientists agree will take place (it is just a matter of when). This story alternated both personal stories and then scientific information. That was a smart way to break up all of the scientific information because sometimes that kind of detail can get tedious.