The Snow Birds

Children - Picture Book
42 Pages
Reviewed on 06/02/2017
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    Book Review

Reviewed by Rosie Malezer for Readers' Favorite

The Snow Birds is an illustrated children’s book, written in rhyme and illustrated by Phyllis Dillard. As the wild winter weather ravages the landscape, birds go about their endless, everyday chores as if it were any other day. The author asks a bird why they have come to such harsh climes, to which the bird responds that it is foraging for food, plucking seeds from one of the fruits that it finds. Although the snowflakes land on their heads and blow wildly around them, they continue in their tasks, not caring about the harsh weather, as it is normal to them. Such is the life of the tough, determined and carefree snow birds.

Not only do the words throughout the text in The Snow Birds tell an incredible tale of strength and endurance, but Phyllis Dillard’s delicate and articulate brush strokes add a truly inspirational touch to this remarkable tale. Living in the far north of Finland, I have often wondered the same things asked in the story of The Snow Birds, as I see two varieties of snow birds on a daily basis, regardless of the constant chill and darkness: the Blue Tit and the Sparrow. It never ceases to amaze me how they fly to my window, whether day or night, in order to take hold of that one sunflower seed, before flying to the nearest branch and splitting the seed open, devouring it. Phyllis Dillard’s breathtaking illustrations show some of the many varieties of birds from around the world which seem to thrive in the harshest of winters, simply because they have mastered the art of survival. I very much enjoyed The Snow Birds and recommend it to youngsters and bird lovers alike, showing them that even those as small and frail-looking as the Snow Bird can be as strong and hardy as the tallest mountain.