The Sorcerer and the Necromancer

A Tale From the City of Magic

Young Adult - Fantasy - General
390 Pages
Reviewed on 07/12/2024
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    Book Review

Reviewed by K.C. Finn for Readers' Favorite

The Sorcerer and the Necromancer is penned by author Susan Ann Walker in the fantasy, adventure, and interpersonal drama genres aimed at the young adult reading audience. We follow seventeen-year-old Daric, a swordsman with a hidden talent for sorcery, who discovers he can drain mystical energy from others. Terrified of his newfound powers, Daric seeks a mentor to help him master his abilities. Meanwhile, a necromancer terrorizes the city by killing and animating elderly merchants to rob them. As seers predict a devastating firestorm, Daric realizes he may be the city's only hope. He must control his dangerous skills to stop the necromancer and prevent the impending disaster. This enthralling fantasy is filled with suspense and rich character development that draws you in to explore new places and the people that inhabit them.

Daric's journey from a ‘blank’ swordsman to discovering his powerful, yet terrifying abilities was deeply engaging, and I enjoyed the focus on his internal struggle with the potential danger he posed to the rest of the world. There’s great attention to detail in his speech and thought presentation, bringing every emotive moment to life so that we feel everything viscerally and root for him all the more. The backdrop of a city on the brink of destruction creates a palpable tension throughout the story that is maintained and paced well. The theme of found family develops slowly but boldly as the core emotional impetus. As Daric finds support and friendship in unexpected places, his emotional growth matches his physical triumphs to create a truly unforgettable hero. Overall, The Sorcerer and the Necromancer by Susan Ann Walker is a highly recommended fantasy that I couldn’t put down.